Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Welcome to my blog

Over the past few months, I've began to realize my family does some hilarious and sometimes bizarro things. While it's fun to re-tell the stories over and over, I've created a one-stop shop for my friends and some invited family to come and read the goings on in my life, thanks to my fam. So to start off, let me offer up a few hilarious sayings from my 'rents, that came up in recent weeks.

While battling a fly during the winter, someone asked my mom what was over there disturbing her, and she replied "It's a fly that can't." Hilarious.

Another day, (mom is often a big source of hilarity), we were watching a show on conjoined twins. One twin happened to be a guy without a leg or both legs, and he was talking about how no one thought he could have kids, but just look at his "girlfriend" who was preggers, to which my mom says, "Haven't they ever seen 'Maury'?"

Oh and how soon can I forget my sibling/cuz showing a *car* photo to my dad, to which his only reply was "King of the road." Golden.

**Disclaimer--This blog is meant to be all anonymous, all names will be changed to protect the innocent, and not-so-innocent, parties.

I hope anyone who stumbles here finds some of the humor in all of this, much of it you can't make up!

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