Friday, December 18, 2009

In the spirit of Christmas

So it's Christmastime so I thought I'd drag up some wild things that my family members have done during the season. (mainly things my grandma has done, which is kind of an occurring theme)

So last Christmas my sisters and I received a set of pajamas each (fleece! Now if I want to power my apartment with electricity, these might be useful, but for any other purpose, dear god) But she did try, and it is the thought that counts. BUT! My brother received $500 cash. Um, apparently because he can carry on the family name, he deserves more? Maybe I should tell my grandma I grew a penis and I'd get more. But again, i am thankful to have a grandma and don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but this is just one in the long string of differences she has made between my brother and sisters.

A few Christmases ago, my poor mother, (her daughter-in-law) received a sweatshirt about 2 sizes too small (Maybe a regift?). Which, OK, is fine since we don't see her that often, BUT the thing was a fall theme! The ladies at the store got a nice chuckle out of that when it was returned.

Christmases are always a joyous time around the family house. You never know what you'll get!

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